Grievances Redressal

Participant’s Grievance Redressal Process

The Platform commits and assures to provide the best possible recourse to resolve the grievance of its participants. Below are the steps which the participant need to take for resolving his/her grievances:

Step 1
Any customer who wishes to register his / her complaint may submit their complaint to the customer support or contact us on our customer support number as mentioned below:

Email ID:

Grievances should be sent through the email / mobile number which is registered with the Platform.

After examining the matter, participant’s complaint shall be resolved within 5 days of the receipt of the complaint by customer support.

Step 2

If the participant is not satisfied with the response received, or if the participant doesn’t receive any response within 5 days, then the participants may register their complaints by email or call to the Grievance Redressal Officer whose details are mentioned below: –

Mr Subrahmanya Shastry KS

E- mail

Contact number: +91 7760785300

The escalation process should be initiated by the complainant within 24 hours from the date of receipt of the resolution provided by the Platform or within 24 hours of expiry of 5 days in case the resolution is not provided by the Platform.

Step 3
If the participant’s complaint / grievance still remains unresolved and is not redressed within a period of one month, the participant may register his / her appeal to the Customer Education and Protection Department of the Reserve Bank of India Bank.

The Officer In-Charge
Consumer Education and Protection Cell
Reserve Bank of India
10/3/8, Nrupathunga Road
Bengaluru – 560 001
Telephone: 080- 22180397

Directly Drop us a Message for your Grievances